
近日,在某個卜看見那位筆者寫著,50件讓自己幸福的事。心感有趣,也想寫寫看。 我們做人,永遠都盤算著什麼不好,那樣不好。可不看看細節的東西,感恩一下這個世界原來對你不錯呢。

1. 和媽咪,一時談心一時互相臭罵。
2. 跟哥哥facetime。
3. 去旅行時,打電話回家報平安。
4. 給別人拍下一家幅。
5. 和哥哥,各人拿著ipad分享大家所看到有趣的事兒。
6. 早上給自己弄了杯漂亮的奶茶。
7. 給爸爸在電話小罵時,是多麼的氣但又感恩。
8. 去Bubbleology喝到可以拿杯免費的。
9. 享受著英式下午茶。
10. 跟好友們在威爾斯來個休閒的週末。
11. 給好友last minute叫出去吃lunch和喝咖啡。
12. 點了一杯Latte和一件Mille feuille後,開心地坐著。
13. 找到新開的餐廳,按下”confirm booking”的鍵。
14. 拿著我的Fujifilm Natura Classica構圖後,按下快門那瞬間。
15. 看見藍天白雲。
16. 和旅遊伙伴,一同回憶旅行時發生的趣事。
17. 和爸爸一起看龍貓動畫。
18. 拿著拍完的膠卷,給沖洗店沖洗。
19. 感恩,自己是健康快樂的。
20. 和爸爸媽媽一起飲茶。
21. 拿著照片包裹,去咖啡店坐著,慢慢一面喝咖啡一面欣賞著照片。
22. 給爸爸問了條IQ 問題。
23. 看見爸爸媽媽互相笑罵對方。
24. 給好友們狂發whatsapp。
25. 在卜上分享自己所拍的旅遊照。
26. 收到明信片的一刻。
27. 看著已洗好照片時所帶驚喜。
28. 和三五知己喫茶聊天。
29. 計劃旅遊行程。
30. 買到喜歡的外地雜誌。
31. 和好友分享喜怒哀樂。
32. 在網上購物時,按下”order”鍵後。
33. 拿著相機,閒閒的逛著,尋找我心中喜愛的圖。
34. 早上洗臉後,看著鏡子自信地對自己笑一笑。
35. 嘗試新食譜,成品順利出爐。
36. 帶瓶酒,去朋友家作客。
37. 看著韓國的Running Man,自我笑翻椅子。
38. 和哥哥一起看著怪談節目。
39. 飛機在當地降落。
40. 找到新的咖啡店,品嚐他們的Flat White。
41. 在炎熱的天氣下,來杯half ice的Iced Latte。
42. 拉朋友出來和我試吃美食。
43. 在柬埔寨,騎著quad bike在riverside path飛馳。
44. 給按摩師按了一個小時。
45. 回到家,立刻有媽咪的愛心飯吃。
46. 去Ikea的小吃部,放個冰淇淋杯在冰淇淋機裡,看著它由空杯變成滿滿的。
47. 收集每個旅遊城市的地標小模型。
48. 逛超市,買著喜歡吃的食材。
49. 看到小巴哥和波美拉尼亞犬在草地上奔跑。
50. 噴上我喜愛的Jo Malone香水。

St katherines’ dock



Stonehenge, UK

I have to be frank and be ashamed that living in UK for all these time, I have yet been to Stonehenge! I guess when you’re young and not very financially able or when your hard working parents cannot take you to anywhere. Then exploring the world is your own next chapter when you can afford it yourself. That day was cold but good sunny weather, what can you asked for When you live in UK! The site was still a mystery as to how was it created but nevertheless it was a great seeing a UK heritage. xoxo.

Made in China. 中國製造。



Tate Modern| The Unilever Series: Ai Weiwei.

Sometime ago, i went to see Ai weiwei’s art work @ Tate. Tate Modern is one of the galleries that i must give a visit every year, especially their The Unilever Series. Think so far, I have only missed the red sunlights!

I have to admit, Ai weiwei was a stranger to me at first when it was annouced who’s next? Not until i google and read his wiki/bio online. I am one of those individual that if i found a topic or an individual interesting, i will actually read up about it. It is quite interesting to see that many sunflower seeds at once. I am quite gutted that i didn’t visit Tate early enough to step and touch it.

Ai weiwei wants to draw our attention to the ‘Make in China’. I personally think is it a question with depth itself, does Make in china = poor quality? has yet this view point changed? why would consumer think the product was poorly made, due to what!? …. alot of questions! Hard! 

To be honest, I do wonder if anyone will think that far after looking at this art work? Art work itself is very debatable, I have always wonder why would you call any painting with black canvas and a white dot, a piece of art? even one year old can do that. lol. I personally think looking at art work require a little imagination and personal experience to grasp the meaning of the art work….. I once again, really misses my drawing pencil, blank canvas and paint brushes!

Exhibition till 2nd May, you better be quick! Now…. I need a buddy to go Saatchi gallery with me.